Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Let It Rain

iPhone painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo, Brushes app:
Feeling gray toyday!
See it, Draw it, Post it, I Love IT
Draw everyday!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Red Haired Woman

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo, Brushes app:
Some see worry, some see despair, some see neglect; but others see strength, others see courage, others see pride... I see the human condition, it's all of them. There is beauty in all of these perceptions and ugliness in each one. Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder, beauty is in everything and absence of beauty is in the perception of the beholder.
See it, Draw it, Post it, I Love IT!!!
Draw everyday!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Red Root

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo, Brushes app:
Manipulation of light can make an interesting piece. When you place light sources where you do not expect it, it makes you see things in a different way. This is why Christmas lights are so magical. We are all used to seeing lights in trees and on houses and buildings but it is an unnatural manipulation of a light source that happens in one season a year. Take the stars, put them in the ground and light up the leaves of a tree and you have something different to look at. Enjoy!
See it, draw it, post it, I Love IT!
Draw everyday!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Red Coat

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo, Brushes app:
Happy Holidays to all of you!
See it, Draw it Post it, I Love IT!
Draw everyday!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Orange Mist

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo, Brushes app:
I have been posting my drawings to a twitter group called #draw365. They are attempting to do a drawing everyday for 365 days. Sitting with a pencil and paper is the most basic function of an artist. They plan, sketch, dream, build form, plan color, etc. A drawing or idea then evolves into a painting, sculpture, video, performance or what ever it will be. The original drawing is the core of the thought that must be captured in the final piece. The drawing is the raw inspiration and if your skills as an artist are there, the drawing is the purest form of thought. To deviate to far from that thought would take away the raw connection that was once made. So... how do you do a painting, sculpture, video or performance and keep the original raw intensity? Don't let a good idea get in the way of good art. Good ideas kill art, stick to your original thought on paper, your... drawing!
See it. Draw it, Post it, I Love IT!
Draw everyday!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Portrait of Norm

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone Painting, Brushes app:
This is an image I paint often. It is an image that has a lot of power for me. When I was a kid, I had friend named Norm. He was burned over 70% of his body. This is how I imagine him looking today. To me, he is a strong person that has few friends and living is a challenge. I draw strength from his struggle in life and honor him.
See it, Draw it Post it, I Love IT!
Draw everyday!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Orange Forest

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone Photo, Brushes app: It's Saturday night before Christmas and not much to say except Happy Holidays!
See it! Draw it! Post it! I Love IT!!!
Draw everyday!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Green Cliff

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone Painting, Brushes app:
Mood captured in any art is difficult. It can be done with the use of color, form and contrast. All to master painters throughout history could manipulate mood and make us feel. The beauty of capturing mood is that each viewer will have a different reaction. To me, this iPhone painting may (in my opinion) capture a Corny, misty magical mood but it does capture a mood. If you look at my figurative work, it is all about form and mood. This is what emotionally draws the viewer in and makes them want to come back and look at it longer or some times never want to see it again. There are those pieces that just get you... mood is the hook.
See it, Draw it, Post it, I Love IT!!!
Draw everyday!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Abstract Lanscape Red/Green

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo, Brushes app: Sometimes it's just about playing with shape and color until you like what you see. If comfort is the death of creativity, put yourself in the middle of something you don't know how to get out of and get out of it... step back and enjoy!
See it, Draw it, Post it, I Love IT!!!
Draw everyday!

Monday, December 14, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Man With Red Hair

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone painting, Brushes app: (8) If you embrace dynamic change with your tools, your message and your technique, your art will be in constant flow. I forget which master painter said this but if you ever think you have created a masterpiece, you never will. Thinking you have arrived will stop your journey in it's tracks. Comfort is the death of creativity.
See it, Draw it, Post it, I Love IT!
Draw everyday!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Figure Dancing

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo, Brushes app: (8) What are you doing everyday to learn more! If you have not seen this the YouTube; Shift Happens video take the time, watch and embrace the dynamic change! It is here... even for artists!
See it, Draw it, Post it, I Love IT!
Draw everyday!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Woman With Hair

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo, Brushes app: (7) Now let's get back to the nuts and bolts of managing the success of your career as an artist. Don't assume you know where to interested parties are coming from. You need to start from the beginning to tag your SOB... Source of business. How people finds you and what you did to get them to you is critical for building your branding marketing campaign. Some of the most financially successful artists turned it into a business while doing what they do best. You may not like his work, (I don't at all) but Dali was a master at marketing and branding himself. Picasso (just the opposite, love his work) was a master at not just his art but branding his many phases or periods of his art. So many resources are available to us today that all we need to do is use, as artists, what is in front of us. Achieve transparency through rows and columns. What that means is... build a matrix to track and manage the response you get form your efforts. Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Your Blog, Your website, word of mouth, art shows, flyers, art parties, business cards, gallery referrals, etc, etc, etc. As I have mentioned, you can not manage what you do not measure. As an example, if you send out a link for people to click on, tag it by using free services like where it shortens the browser address and tracks how many times it was clicked and where in the world people are looking at your art. Put this data into an excel spreadsheet (Rows and Columns) and the numbers will tell you where you need to concentrate your efforts to get the best result and track those results to make sure it was right. An artplane does not fly from point A to point B, the navigational system constantly reads the location and the destination and recalibrates to path, it zig zags to its destination. As artists, we must zig zag to your success. Become financially free through your art by managing it like a business because it is just that.
See it! Draw it! Post it! I Love IT!!!
Draw everyday!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Man With Hair

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo, Brushes app (6) Propaganda for your art and branding your name can come in many forms. Of course Twitter is a great way for many people at once to see your art and get to know you as a person but don't underestimate the power of a good video. Next time you go out to an art opening or out partying it up, capture some video and turn it into a cool short clip with music and post it. Tour your studio with a video, add some music and post it. If you have an art show, capture some good video and an interview. If you don't capture these events and share them, it is as though they did not happen. Say it once and replicate it to many, this is the power of social media today, take advantage of it.
See it, Draw it, Post it, I Love IT!
Draw everyday!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Woman's Face

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo, Brushes app: (6) The next section we will discuss is a media portal. Everyone that is branding themselves as an artist needs to propagandize and market your achievements. Take pictures and take video of all your work and events. People want to be apart of something cool and fun. People don't know how cool you are until you get yourself out there and invite them into your life. This used to be difficult and expensive... not any more! More to come...
See it, Draw it, Post it, I love IT!
Draw everyday!!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Man With Hands In Front

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo, Brushes app: (5) One more quick note on culture before we move on. The artists that are most in-touch with culture can create or alter a culture through the influence of their art. This is an example of life imitating art.

See It, Draw It, Post It, I Love It!!!

Draw everyday!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Man With No Hair

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo, Brushes app: (5) I think the best way to find out if you are speaking to a culture, as we have been discussing is to get your work out to as many people as possible and you will see if it speaks to them. Twitter is a great way to distribute your work and track the results. Set your blog up so you see how many people are clicking to your link. Don't expect comments, just monitor the traffic. If you are prolifically producing work and getting it into peoples hands on a regular basis, you will know what is working and what is not based on the flow of traffic. Get them there and keep them coming with consistency. This is the main reason for the daily discipline of drawing everyday. The evolution of your art work will align itself with culture.
See it, Draw it, Post it, I love IT!!!
Draw everyday

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Woman With Hair

iPhone Painting: Pencil Drawing, iPhone Painting, Brushes App: (5) Again the topic we are discussing is the top of our pyramid... Culture. Throughout time, culture has limited itself to location with one exception. The culture created by global distribution and education of art. Because visual art is visual, it can be appreciated and understood at a glance. The impressionists were influences by Asian art without a need to learn the language, history or beliefs. Once you become apart of the global understanding of global art, you transcend all boundaries and go right to the hart of the people. The global social mediums available to us today allow us to glance into every corner of the world in seconds. The impact to the art community is yet to be seen... we are on the wave, enjoy the ride!
See It, Draw It, Post It, I Love IT!
Draw everyday!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Man With Grin 2

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo, Brushes app: (5) Mastering the culture phase is were the artist faces the world and speaks to them through their art. As I have said before, a powerful experience in the act of creating may leave behind a mark powerful enough to be called art. It is art because it speaks of a culture. The best artists transcend all cultures and speak to the world culture. Just imagine how powerful the act of creating must be to leave that good of a mark that speaks to that powerful moment in time. Next time you are in the presence of a powerful piece of art work, allow yourself to be drawn into that powerful moment in time and experience as much of that moment as you can. The beauty of art is that even though you will walk away from the piece, it will continue to exist as a reflection of a transparency into culture.
See it, Draw it, Post it, I Love IT!!!
Draw everyday!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Man With Grin

iPhone Painting: Pencil Drawing, iPhone Painting, Brushes App: (5) Definition of Culture: The totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. There are wide varieties of cultures that are being brought together by the global social mediums at a very fast pace. The art of today and tomorrow will quickly bring a cultural point of view to all of the observers from these vastly different cultures. My point is that at the top of the pyramid we have been discussing is culture and art must speak from one culture to another at a transparent level. My art is about the most raw and naked form of ourselves. That glimpse all of us get of ourselves that sends shivers down our spine because we realize how close we are to those in our culture that scare or threaten us. We will all view, through art, that our cultures are just as similar all our fellow humans we encounter throughout our day. Paint your culture and you paint the worlds collective culture.
See It, Draw It, Post It, I Love It!!!
Draw everyday!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Man in Wind

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo, Brushes App (5) The topic we are on for the next couple of days is the top of our pyramid. To ascend to these heights, you must have a solid base of structure and a knowledgeable practice of your systems. Culture is the top of the pyramid. This is where art imitates life are and sometimes life imitates art. You must first seek to understand before being understood. Live and paint life!

See It, Draw It, Post It, I Love It!

Draw everyday!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Woman in Wind

iPhone Painting: Pencil Drawing, iPhone photo, Brushes app: (5) To review where we are with the pyramid: We have discussed the need to build structure to support your base. The next level is a system to establish consistency and next we will talk about culture. This is where your art communicates at an ingrained level to an audience if you tap into a culture. More... More... More... to come...
See It, Draw It, Post It, I Love It!!!!
Draw everyday!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Forest with Water

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone painting, brushes app: (4) The topic is still system because this is what keeps you on track. Following a system to create and communicate your art does not need to be complicated. I create daily, weekly and monthly checklists of things I need and want to do. I have a family, a full time job and need my time to be a targeted focus to get the best results. If all I was able to do was create art, it would not accomplish my goal of selling art. Make sure your checklist hits on all key points; creation, communication, sales and distribution. Do a little bit each day for each key point. track it with a checklist and you have a system. A study of successful people uncovered that they each had a simple system but what separated them from others is their consistency to follow their routine each day.
See It, Draw It, Post It, I Love It!
Draw everyday!!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Man Looking at You

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo, Brushes app: (4) More on the system before I move to the top of the pyramid which is culture. I have recently joined a Twitter group that is doing daily drawing for 365 days. If you are a Tweeter, the group is #draw365. The thing I realized is that I have had a system for creating my art for many years. I always start my concept with a pencil drawing to capture a loose free-flowing image. I always draw the color wheel next to the drawing and start planning the payers of color. I have never shared these drawing before I joined #draw365 and now post the drawings as a tweet post.
The beauty of having a system is that it translates to all mediums. This is how I approach my oil paintings and this is also how I approach my iPhone paintings. Having a system allows you to be creative in the act of painting vs always figuring out what comes next and when the work is done. If you have ever watched the movie Amadeus, Mozart was asked if the commissioned piece was done and he replied, "oh yes it is". Let me see it was the reply. Mozart then with a giggle stated that it is still in his head and the rest is just bibbling and babbling and babbling and bibbling. The act of art is trying to capture the power of the act of painting. Having a system allows you to fully engage in the experience. At the end of the experience. you sit back, take a look and say WOW!
See It, Draw It, Post It, I Love It
Draw everyday!!!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Woman Looking at You

iPhone Art: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo, Brushes app: (4) Sorry to the non-post for the past couple of days, I was not feeling well. This is a good example of how having a system can benefit you in many ways. I was able to get right back into my routine and deliver a drawing and painting that I like. Part of my system is to remove all reasons not to do my art. Always have your studio clean and ready to sit down and get busy. Don't use it as your table that collects mail or other junk. When I do sit down to create a piece, whether it be iPhone art, a painting or a sculpture I have a process of where I start and how I develop the art to completion. If you don't have a system, you will have many projects out there that are not finished and have no process for completion.
See It, Draw It, Post It, I Love It!!!
Draw everyday!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Light in Forest

iPhone Painting: Brushes App: (4) This is fun taking the business development knowledge that I have accumulated for the past 10 plus years and apply this to the business of being an artist. I will go into the details of the next layer in the pyramid after our discussion of structure from the last 3 posts. Systems is the fundamental application of the accumulative knowledge derived from your mastering the structure of tools. The word system lends itself to a process that you have developed to apply your tools. As an example, understanding the color wheel is one thing but having a system at which you apply the colors to your canvas is critical to develop your art. Your understanding of the social networking sites is one thing but having a system at which you apply communicating your message will expidentialy expand your audience. A system is your development and application of your tools. Remember that your tools run the spectrum from clay and water to global social technology. Get your hands dirty!
See It, Draw It, Post It, I Love It
Draw every day!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Dark Forest

iPhone Painting: Brushes App: (3) Because Structure is so important, I am going to spend one more day discussing this. It may be boring but it is the necessary evil for all business and artistic ventures. Again, the structure is the understanding of all your tools from technology to sticking your fingers in clay. Think of your structure as the foundation of a house, you must know what rooms will go above the foundation for your foundation to be functional. This is true of art as well. What do you want to create and how do you want to communicate and distribute your creations. With this plan, like a floor plan, you will know what tools you will need to master. Paint on canvas, clay sculpture's for bronze, digital art, social networking sites, e-commerce web transactions, blog communication, etc. All these tools will work in harmony to construct the house. Create a plan and get your hands dirty. If there is a part of the plan that you know nothing about, ask people for help.
See It, Draw It, Post It, I Love It
Draw Every Day!!!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Man Looking Down

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo, Brushes App: (3) When you commit to the daily discipline of drawing every day, experiment with different mediums that include the digital tools available to us today. If you notice, nothing will replace the pencil to paper for me, it is my first step and as easy as walking. What I am excited about is the ease of using the Brushes app for an iPhone to digitally paint the image. As I said in yesterdays post, understanding your tools is your structure. It is the base of your pyramid and the wider your base... the higher your pyramid. Get your hands on anything you can to draw and practice your tools every day. This is true of all the arts, not just visual arts. Let's see what you are up to on a daily basis!

See it, Draw it, Post it, I love it!!

Draw every day!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Today's Daily Art: Man Looking Up

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo & Brushes App:
(3) There is more structure involved in these paintings then is looks like to the observer. By having a structure to create and communicate your art is vital. For me, structure starts with a commanding knowledge of all your tools available to you. In this case, tools run the spectrum of canvas, oil paint and brushes to iPhone apps, blog posts and social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. For a seed to grow, it takes rich moist soil that enables your art to grow. The tools involved in your trade is the soil that enables your art to grow. The tools are changing as technology goes through its global shifts. For an artist to not understand and embrace these global shifts will alienate their art and would be the equivalent to planting a seed in sand and expecting the result to be a healthy plant. Watch this YouTube video to get an idea of what is happening to our world and realize that all industries will be affected by this dramatic shift: Shift Happens Video:
See it... Draw it...Post it... I Love it!!!
Draw every day!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Today's Daily Art - Man with Hands Folded

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo & Brushes App: (2) You can not manage what you can not measure. If you do not have a daily discipline that produces a result, it becomes difficult to measure your progress. Set yourself with daily, weekly and monthly checklist tasks. Manage your art like a business that must produce results. This takes an incredible amount of self discipline and control without a boss holding you accountable. You are holding yourself accountable. Write these checklists down and check them off only if you complete them. This is the measurement part of managing your art. These daily disciplines become your drills you run not unlike a professional Football team running routs as daily practice. Strategy gets you on the field but EXECUTION pays the bills. Think about this a minute… If your art is so rehearsed and refined, you will execute when sitting is front of that big canvas. You will never need to find inspiration to paint like a professional football player can always find the ability to execute the plan every Sunday!!! Practice, practice, practice… perform!

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a description and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:

3. Look for me on Facebook:

Monday, November 9, 2009

Today's Daily Art - Man & Forest

Man & Forest

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo & Brushes App: (2) Don’t confuse efforts with results. Art is all about the mark you leave behind. The act of drawing every day is a discipline that will allow you to get better at what you do but the result is what you are after. The result of my last couple of drawings have not hit the mark. Don’t confuse efforts with results!!!

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:

3. Look for me on Facebook:

Friday, November 6, 2009

Today's Daily Art - Man Lokking Down

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo & Brushes App: (1) The last post I did was about listening and looking so you can see and hear. The way I look at art is if you have a powerful experience in the process of doing your art, the mark left behind has a chance of reflecting that powerful moment. It is not all about skill and technique, it is about the experience.

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:

3. Look for me on Facebook:

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Today's Daily Art - Line Man

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo & Brushes App: (1) First seek to understand before being understood! Look and listen more then you desire people to understand what you are doing. Without an intense observation of what surrounds you each day, your art will never communicate with the people you are trying to influence. The least interested party will always win; be more interested in your environment and allow that to talk to you. If you are not looking and listening, it will pass you by as you keep trying to be heard. Don’t get louder, learn to receive and your gift back to them will touch them. Enjoy!

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:

3. Look for me on Facebook:

Monday, November 2, 2009

Today's Daily Art - Pregnant Woman

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo & Brushes App: These iPhone paintings are like crack, I can’t stop. This painting celebrates life and all the hardships that the body reflects. Celebrate your hardships and the marks left on your body. Consider them badges of honor, not imperfections to be ashamed of. Draw and paint what you see, not what you think others want to see… Enjoy!

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:

3. Look for me on Facebook:

Featured Artist: Johanna G: "Johanna’s Bird"

iPhone Painting: Color Pencil drawing, iPhone photo & Brushes App: Two posts tonight, this first post is the first featured artist on this blog. She is special because she is a 9 year old girl that draws every day and it shows. I took an iPhone picture of a Color Pencil drawing she did and spent 5 minutes showing her how to use the Brushes app… this is what she came up with. This is what Johanna wanted to post on the blog “I love to draw because I can really express my feelings and my dreams”.

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:

3. Look for me on Facebook:

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Today's Daily Art - Red Man

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo & Brushes App: Don’t look into his eyes to long… you may not ever come back. Happy Halloween!

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:

3. Look for me on Facebook:

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Today's Daily Art - Green Man

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo & Brushes App:
The longer I draw daily, the more I look, the more I see. These people may not look beautiful… but they are. Next time you are in the woods, find the most twisted deformed tree in the forest and you will be faced with the beauty of nature at its best. The small tree engulfed by the larger trees that keep surviving the harsh winters and continue to twist toward the light despite all the odds. There is a beauty there that must be translated to our fellow human beings. Look at these twisted souls with the same admiration and respect and your perception of our world will forever change and the world will soon follow.

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:
3. Look for me on Facebook:

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Today's Daily Art - Man in White

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo & Brushes App: I don’t have much to say about art today, there is about a foot of snow outside and the storm is continuing all day tomorrow. I love this stuff but it makes me introverted and reflective vs. talkative and social. Enjoy whatever it is you do and if you are not doing it, start today!

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:

3. Look for me on Facebook:

Monday, October 26, 2009

Today's Daily Art - Gray Woman

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo & Brushes App: Gray Man needed someone to hang with of course.

I recently read an Art Palaver post about creating art in all areas of your life, read and watch the video My daughter tried to get me to rap today and I failed miserably, I will stick to my daily drawings! This is what this blog is all about… do your art everyday, what ever it is. I have a fulltime (non art) job, a Wife, a Daughter, two dogs and three cats. It takes 21 days to create a habit… 21 days of daily discipline and your art is a habit in your life.

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:

3. Look for me on Facebook:

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Today's Daily Art - Gray Man

iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo & Brushes App: A gray scale drawing can determine if your composition and form are powerful enough without the addition of color. Drawing and painting in gray scale as an exercise I use to strengthen my color work. I see to many pieces that rely on color to carry the piece. If you look closely, this drawing is a yin & yang. The background and foreground figure are opposites.

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:
3. Look for me on Facebook:

Today's Daily Art - Butterfly (Oil painting in progress)

Oil Painting: I usually don’t like to show my paintings until they are done but I thought it may be interesting to show the progression of this one. The photo of this is not great but I am doing a traditional glaze painting in oil. You start with a detailed gray monochrome which is what you see here. Then, after it dries there are many applications of transparent colors that get fatter each layer, meaning; more dammar varnish and linseed oil, less paint thinner. This will give the painting a glossy rich color. The painting will take a couple of weeks and I will post the result. See “Butterfly” iPhone painting on previous blog post for an idea of where this painting is going.

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:

3. Look for me on Facebook:

Friday, October 23, 2009

Today's Daily Art - Red Abstract

Red Abstract

iPhone Painting: This was done earlier this week but because of computer issues, just now being posted. I like going between figure paintings, nature and abstracts. It makes each discipline stronger and more versatile if you don’t stick to one style, technique and medium. Painting with your thumb is cool! Check out the two little flowers at the bottom.

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:

3. Look for me on Facebook:

Today's Daily Art - Orange Abstract

Orange Abstract

iPhone Painting: Had computer problems and was not able to do a post for the last couple of days but I have a couple of abstract iPhone paintings to post. This was fun just playing around with form and color without the need to follow form. It is good to practice the medium with and abstract and the iPhone Brushes App is fairly versatile with its layers and transparent brushstrokes.

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:

3. Look for me on Facebook:

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Today's Daily Art - Summit

iPhone Painting: Great day in the mountains, this is a painting from the top of the mountain we climbed. I could not believe how blue the sky was.

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

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3. Look for me on Facebook:

Friday, October 16, 2009

Today's Daily Art - Fall Leaves

iPhone Painting: pencil drawing, iPhone photo and brushes app: Back to nature! I will be going on a hike in the Colorado mountains tomorrow and should have some good stuff for tomorrows post as well. Draw everything you see that connects with you. Drawing trees are like drawing the human form, they just have less physical laws and guidelines. Enjoy!

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:
3. Look for me on Facebook:

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Today's Daily Art - Man Facing Away

iPhone Painting: pencil drawing, iPhone photo and brushes app: Sometimes exaggerating the proportions works and sometimes it does not, I don’t like the hand in this one. The way I like to look at it is, if you don’t push things to far, you don’t know how far you can go. This is true with a lot of things in life as well. If you draw every day, it is difficult to nail one each time. Don’t get married to your work. I can’t remember which master painter said this but the quote goes something like… “If you ever think you have created a masterpiece, you never will”.

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:
3. Look for me on Facebook:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Today's Daily Art - Pink Woman

iPhone Painting: pencil drawing, iPhone photo and brushes app: Like I was trying to say in yesterdays post, if you let the drawing go, you never know where it may take you, this one went somewhere? It is interesting! In some of my paintings, I will dramatically change the color and darkness of the extremities to see what happens in the painting. If you like or dislike the effect let me know.

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:
3. Look for me on Facebook:

Monday, October 12, 2009

Today's Daily Art - Pink Man

iPhone Painting: pencil drawing, iPhone photo and brushes app: When I draw, I always try to observe and not think. Clever ideas can get in the way of a good drawing and you try to make too much of it, just let it go and become what it is. This is true if you are an accomplished artist or just learning to draw. Because I have studied the human form for so long, I take mental snapshots of people I see and compile them into a drawing of their own. I go for the side of the person that they don’t want others to see or the side that is on display that others turn away from. We all have that side to us, just some people don’t have the ability or don’t care to cover it up. Look at them a little different next time, they are more like you then you think.

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:
3. Look for me on Facebook:

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Today's Daily Art - Friends

iPhone Painting: pencil drawing, iPhone photo and brushes app: My 9 year old daughter had her friend over this weekend and this is a quick sketch of the two of them. I like to show kids every step of what I am doing when I draw. Her friend happens to be a very gifted artist since she was a very little girl. I hope to add just that much more of a spark to her already gifted life. I change my style when working with kids and make it easy for them to follow and not get to out there.

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:

3. Look for me on Facebook:

Friday, October 9, 2009

Today's Daily Art - My Butterfly

iPhone Painting with Brushes: I rarely do fantasy but this one is for my 9 year old daughter. She just recovered from surgery on her mouth and nose and I wanted to do a painting of her emerging as a butterfly. This is the sketch I will use for an oil painting. It is nice to be able to sketch in color like this to work the colors prior to starting the painting. I will post the results of the painting but it will take a while, I will be doing a glaze painting and it will need to dry between multiple coats.

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:

3. Look for me on Facebook:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Today's Daily Art - Forest

iPhone Painting: The first real cold day of the season took me to my magical forest. The way I look at art, even for these quick daily drawings and paintings is; if your experience of painting is a powerful experience then the mark left behind may capture some of the power. Enjoy!

See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!

Draw every day!

Enjoy and please contact me for the following:

1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at with a disruption and attached image file.

2. Follow my on Twitter:

3. Look for me on Facebook: