iPhone Painting: Pencil drawing, iPhone photo & Brushes App: (2) You can not manage what you can not measure. If you do not have a daily discipline that produces a result, it becomes difficult to measure your progress. Set yourself with daily, weekly and monthly checklist tasks. Manage your art like a business that must produce results. This takes an incredible amount of self discipline and control without a boss holding you accountable. You are holding yourself accountable. Write these checklists down and check them off only if you complete them. This is the measurement part of managing your art. These daily disciplines become your drills you run not unlike a professional Football team running routs as daily practice. Strategy gets you on the field but EXECUTION pays the bills. Think about this a minute… If your art is so rehearsed and refined, you will execute when sitting is front of that big canvas. You will never need to find inspiration to paint like a professional football player can always find the ability to execute the plan every Sunday!!! Practice, practice, practice… perform!
See it…Draw it…Post it… I love it!!!
Draw every day!
Enjoy and please contact me for the following:
1. Have your daily drawing posted: Email me at
mbrookernow@yahoo.com with a description and attached image file.
2. Follow my on Twitter:
http://twitter.com/mikebrooker3. Look for me on Facebook:
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